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Embracing Your Authentic Self: Insights from Our Fearless Co-founder

Embracing Your Authentic Self: Insights from Our Fearless Co-founder

Today, we're taking you behind the scenes and into our Be. Collagen co-founders @balancebysantina world of empowerment, confidence, and the daily ritual that keeps her radiating positivity. So, grab your cup of Be. Collagen and settle in as we dive into what truly makes her say, "Be. Bold. Be. Confident. Be. YOU!" each and every day.

What makes you feel bold and confident yourself? 

Honestly, it's my incredible kids. Watching their fearlessness and unshakable confidence in everything they do has been my greatest teacher. If they can fearlessly embrace the world, why can't we? My belief is to do everything with confidence even if you’re not. With time, it becomes a natural part of who you are.


What are some of the habits that have transformed your life? 


  1. Becoming Self Aware. Embracing self-awareness has been instrumental in my journey. 


  1. Digging Deep. Getting to the root cause of my habits. I don’t believe in ’bad habits’, rather I was able to understand that each habit was a coping mechanism throughout different phases of my life, but alas, served a specific purpose. 


  • Prioritising Sleep. My sleep is especially very sacred these days with three children! Ensuring I prioritise quality sleep (even if it’s a daily nap) sets me up for success for my mind, body and soul. 

  • Setting Boundaries. The art of saying no and safeguarding your time is pivotal. "Setting boundaries isn't selfish; it's an act of self-care that nurtures your well-being 

  • Managing Stress. Stress is almost the same as a modern Goliath, but it's conquerable. I like to take a break by getting outside and moving away from my screens. 

  • Never take your health for granted. Never take your well-being for granted. Nourish your body with wholesome food, movement, and self-compassion.

  • Do more inner child things. In the whirlwind of adulthood, we often forget the joys of our inner child. Since becoming a mother, I’ve reconnected with – it's a direct route to rediscovering your authentic self.

  • What’s your number one lesson you’ve learnt on a journey to find your healthy self?


    If there's one gem, I've gathered on this journey to embracing my healthy self, it's this: diligently manage your stress and remember, the path to wellness isn't linear. We all face tough days, weeks, or even seasons, but keep your eyes on the thought that tomorrow holds the promise of a brighter day.

    Our founder, Santina, is a mother of three, a health advocate for women and has a background in Health and Pilates. She spent years searching for the perfect collagen supplement to complement her healthy lifestyle, only to find that the options were limited and often filled with artificial ingredients and misleading information. Santina's own battles with food intolerances, celiac disease and lupus fueled her passion to bring a new supplement to the market that is full of natural, minimal ingredients.